NACA Inspired Schools Network Receives Prestigious National Obama Foundation, My Brother’s Keeper Alliance Grant Award

 Albuquerque, NM.  On November, 15, 2018 the Native American Community Academy Inspired Schools Network, (NISN) was officially awarded the prestigious, Obama Foundation’s, My Brother’s Keeper Alliance Impact Award. One of nineteen organizations across ten states, including Puerto Rico, NISN is recognized by MBKA as a national model committed to reducing youth violence, grow effective mentorship programs, and measurably improve the lives of boys and young men of color. 

 The winning communities represent every region of the country, strong public-private partnerships, and diverse cities, rural areas, Tribal Nations, and barrios of all sizes. Winning organizations will receive a $450,000 grant, direct technical assistance, and evaluation support. Youth and leaders from many of the organizations will participate in the Obama Foundation’s 2018 Summit in Chicago November 18-19.

 In partnership with staff and youth of New Mexico Dream Team, Cultivating Coders, La Plazita Institute, Together for Brothers, Mission: Graduate, MBK Albuquerque and the City of Albuquerque, NISN will deepen and scale a community of practice on social emotional learning. This community of practice will scale the NACA model to encourage safe, equitable, and culturally-relevant school environments that promote the success of boys and young men of color in terms of attendance, persistence, and graduation rates.

 The Network will facilitate a local community of practice, document practices and challenges especially relevant to boys and young men of color and engage youth in sharing their social emotional learning experience with local educational leaders, informing future practices and policies. While the primary population served by the MBK Project will be 460 Indigenous/Native American and Latino boys, NACA Inspired Schools’ expansion will impact all boys/students of color across their network and communities-at-large.

 In April, MBK Alliance launched a new national competition to identify and invest in communities that are making steady progress to substantially improve the lives of boys and young men of color. President Barack Obama says of the MBKA, “My Brother’s Keeper was not about me, it was not about my presidency… It’s about all of us working together. Because ensuring that our young people can go as far as their dreams and hard work will take them is the single most important task that we have as a nation.”

 Please visit for a full list of all My Brother’s Keeper Alliance IMPACT awardees.

 Our community partners are listed here:

·         New Mexico Dream Team ,

·         La Plazita Insitute ,

·         Together for Brothers, ,

·         Cultivating Coders, ,

·         Mission: Graduate, ,

·         The City of Albuquerque,

·         My Brother’s Keeper ABQ,

Native Voices, Native Votes - Register and Rock the Polls!

NISN Schools VOTE! - We know that our vote is important and our voices directly contribute to the care of our children, the health and safety of our schools, and impacts our NA communities far and wide. We will demonstrate a Native American electorate that is informed, empowered and ACTIVE! Let’s do this! Register to vote! Get and out and vote! Inspire your neighbors and relatives to do the same! Show your young student that our voice and vote matter! Be their role model and ROCK THE POLLS!

Check out the New Mexico Secretary of State website to register to VOTE or check your VOTING REGISTRATION STATUS. Find out where to vote, how to update your registration information, review Registration and election information and more!

"Build coalitions among Indian Nations. There is strength in numbers. Your vote counts now as never before." Leonard Peltier (Lakota/Dakota/Turtle Mountain Chippewa)

If you would like to volunteer for our NISN, “Native Voices, Native Votes - Register and Rock the Polls,” campaign please email or call/text 505.933.2045.