Best Practice Sharing
As part of our commitment to operating effectively and efficiently and also toward transforming our communities, we seek to document and share best practices.
Host convenings for Indigenous education
Inform / advocate for educational community-led reform efforts
Participate in studies with higher Education and federal and state entities on best practices in Indigenous education
Participate in national and regional dialogues and committees with various thought leaders and initiatives that impact Native Youth and families
Technical Assistance
Sharing culturally-integrated curriculum
Teaching the NACA wellness wheel and philosophy
Establishing expertise in core areas
Innovations in Indigenous Education
Teacher Summer Institute
Professional Learning Systems Development
NISN Resource Hub
As part of our commitment to leadership in Indigenous education, we encourage you to visit our NISN Resource Hub to learn more about best practices in Indigenous education and to hear from teachers at NISN schools.
Sharing best practices to help Native students
Sharing content UbDs, lesson plans, and units
Answering questions from FAQs and providing resources about NACA and NISN schools to visitors